Friday, May 24, 2013

How to Mke a Harry Potter Cospaly Costume?

I believe most of the people will be familiar with one anime character--Harry Potter. He is one of the famous character in novel: Harry Potter which is written by J.K.Rowling and this novel is adapted as TV and animation. I will share some ideas on how to make a Harry Potter cosplay costume. You can have a reference if you are interested in this character or you are interested in this character’s costume cosplay.

Before starting cosplay Harry Potter and i think learn some information about him is very necessary. This will help you do your cosplay successfully and make the character you cosplayed vividly. I will share some personal information i know about him with you. The common items you need to prepare are the following(they represents Harry Potter): Gryffindor Scarf , Gryffindor Tie,  The Gryffindor Robes, a pair of round glasses, The Wand (Any thin stick can be made into a wandApply a dark or light wood varnish to your smoothed wand). These small things will show the Harry Potter’s features and you should not overlook them. You also should pay attention to the clothing you choose and your hairstyle is also important. Harry's dark brown mop top is easy for you to cosplay. I suggest looking in a few local thrift shops for these simple elements. Find a white button-down shirt and a black or gray vest to wear over it. Wear a pair of black slacks, Black dress shoes will work for your feet.

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